Selasa, 11 November 2008

New Comer

Terlintas di benak saya untuk memulai menulis blog ini hanya sekitar 10 menit yang lalu. Thanks to Reza Gunawan ( and Dee ( for inspiring me to write my thoughts.

Kadang bingung juga sih kalo lagi bingung mau ngapain tapi banyak banget masalah-masalah ato bisa dibilang pikiran-pikiran yang melayang-melayang tanpa ijin di benakku tercinta. Dulu memank pernah nulis blog di friendster. Tapi apa daya, kemalasan yang sangat merajalela dan juga amnesia yang seketika menyerang membuat gw loepa kalo gw punya blog. Alhasil, gw harus memulai semuanya dari awal lagi sepertinya.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jessica Yudhistiara. I'm 20 y.o and currently studying at IBII, majoring Marketing Communication, 5th semester. I'm the first child in my family and I have one brother, living in Singapore. You guys must be wondering why my brother is in Singapore and I'm here, right? Well, my lovely and gorgeous brother got an ASEAN Scholarship from The Goverment of Singapore. What a magnificent brother I got. All I can say is we have DIFFERENT brain. He's so SCIENCE and I'm so SOCIAL.

I'm used to be active in few activities at my campus but because of some problems and my silly feelings, I'm not active anymore. I just come and chit chat a lil bit if they have events and I want to fix my bad GPA this semester. I hope I can graduate with Cum Laude title (wish me luck :)). These days my activities are go to campus, go to gym (if I'm not lazy to move my ass down there), go to Wall Street Institute, and online.

That's all for my introduction. See you in the next post. Ciao!